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Ed is the world's fastest cross-platform tile editor, supporting gigantic board sizes, rule-based drawing, animations and more. With Ed you can design levels for any tile-based games, organize data structures, slice sprite sheets into sprites and assign arbitrary game data to tiles in levels.
You can download Ed for Windows and macOS on Steam, and for iPad and iPhone on the App Store.
<a href="https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ed-prototype-games-levels/id6502629511"><img src="https://mooseEd.com/images/defaults/appstore.svg" alt="App screenshot" width="354" height="104" class=""></a>
A quick start guide in PDF format is available [here](https://mooseed.com/quickstart.pdf).
Ed operates on a simple directory structure of simple JSON files, making it easy to load projects made in it into any codebase. Moreover, this plain-text data structure allows the project to be very git-friendly, making collaborative works easy: An artist can work on sprite sheets, animations and PNG files, while a level designer simultaneously designing levels, with minimum conflicts.
With Unity being a first-class supported engine, Ed can export levels and data directly to Unity as code files, pre-sliced sprite sheets and prefabs that load levels on demand or in Edit Mode in Unity.
Ed's Kilo-texturing technology merges static images into pages of PNG files, greatly reducing the clutter, memory and CPU usage of your games, since static tiles aren't loaded individually anymore. Where colliders are needed, invisible polygon colliders are built based on the optimized static walls and are spawned on the Unity scene.
Rule-brushes allow users to create rules to select different variants of an object, such as corners for terrains, edges for ladders and more automatically when drawing on the level. Combined with thick-brushes and thick-erasers, this greatly increases the productivity of level designers.
Tiles can be defined with simple solid colors, and Ed comes with a variety of preset color palettes, allowing the app to be used as a pixel-art editor. Levels can be rendered into dynamic sprite sheets, which can be drawn again on another levels in the form of tiles. This loop allows artists to be able to do everything from pixel art to level design directly in the same app.
Ed can import and export entire projects into a single-file package (ZIP) format, which is useful for going back and forth between iOS devices which have limited file management support and no git access. With the auto-save feature, every few minutes an auto-save file is stored into your Documents folder, which protect your work in case of application crashes or accidental user errors.
Patterns allow users to store sections of pre-drawn grids and re-draw them again on different areas. Boards can be fully customized, where they can have different sizes, gaps between tiles, background colors, alpha blending, tint and data. Parallax multipliers can be set on boards to enable parallax scrolling effects. Onion drawing offers a great user experience when working on multiple boards. Each board can also be exported as comma separated ASCII files, super easy to parse from your game.
<iframe width="800" height="500" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/rBMWr99lh_Y?si=44aB87p3bBB_y1sh" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Start learning about Ed:
- [[Sprite Sheet Editor]]
- [[TileDef Editor]]
- [[Rule Brush Editor]]
- [[Level Editor]]
- [[World Data Model]]
- [[Unity Export]]
- [[ASCII Export]]